Pinto Bean Pie

Pinto bean pie may not sound all that appetizing at first, but I assure you it’s much better than it sounds. I’ve discovered since making 20 pies in the last 3 weeks that you can make pie out of pretty much anything as long as you have flour and sugar. For example, the vinegar pie that was born out of desperation. And honestly, I think that’s pretty neat. Use what you have to make a treat. In this case, it’s pinto beans.
Delicious Gluten Free

Does the word Gluten Free leave you baffled as to where to shop? Sure, you can find gluten free ready-to-eat products at the store, but suppose you want to cook from scratch. If you have a gluten sensitivity, gluten intolerance, or celiac, Kitchen Kneads is the place to go. Kitchen Kneads has a great selection of gluten free flours, a great Bob’s Red Mill selection and ancient grains that are gluten free to add to your nutrition level. Kitchen Kneads also has a huge selection of beans and several varieties of rice. This will be a whole new world to you. There are 12 common grains that are gluten free all with wonderful nutrition properties.
Maple Oatmeal Pie

Okay, I have to admit I knew this maple oatmeal pie would be good. I just didn’t know HOW good. It’s so much like pecan pie, just with oats instead of pecans. I LOVE pecan pie, but I actually love this one more.