Dandelions: The Hidden Gem

Living in Utah, the melting snow shows signs of spring on the ground. As I walk in my neighborhood, I see neighbors cleaning up their yards and lawnmowers firing up for the first smell of cut grass.
As my walk continues and I round the corner to my house, I smile. My lawn is filled with spring and no lawnmower. My yard, and I am very proud of it, is filled with dandelions. Some may feel sorry for me and even leave me notes to help mow. I kindly tell them thank you and wish them a good day. I love my dandelions.
Last year, my friend, Dawn Mikesell posted a blog on the Kitchen Kneads blog about dandelion jelly, and that started my journey with dandelions. Dandelions are, yes, edible — the flower, the leaves, and the root are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber.