Pumpkin Cookies: Chocolate Chips or Not?

The Purist Point of View

by Brian Child

I think pumpkin flavored products are one of the very best things on the face of the planet. The studies show that you agree with me, as your purchasing habits each fall show this when you include pumpkin flavors. It has been my long-standing tradition to not add anything to something as perfect as pumpkin, as you might have read in our oatmeal cookie debate “Oatmeal Cookies To Add or Not to Add“. 

The Quandary

The question is if you think pumpkin needs chocolate chips (or any other item which is still heresy) why don’t you add them to your pumpkin pies? Why else would they call them pumpkin cookies?? Why do they omit the chocolate chips in many recipes? Because they didn’t want them in the recipe in the first place. Think about it: When you eat a peanut  butter and jelly sandwich, which ingredient is the largest by quantity? Peanut Butter. If you put more jelly on your PB&J, shouldn’t it be a J&PB? Either call it for what it is or modify your recipe.

The Solution

Like oatmeal cookies, pumpkin cookies are just perfectly perfect on their own. The thought of adding items like chocolate chip or butterscotch chips takes away from the amazing flavor of pumpkin. I would, however, agree that one item could be added to pumpkin cookies and would make them even more perfect. That product is oatmeal. Not the instant kind – the old fashion type. In fact, the best version I have made is a Spiced Pumpkin-Oatmeal Cookie recipe I saw on King Arthur’s website.    

This recipe is for the purists who agree that pumpkin cookies don’t need chocolate chips.  This recipe is based on the notion that pumpkin bread or pumpkin cookies are the most logical and tasty ways to enjoy the flavor of pumpkin. 

Add the Chocolate Chips, Darn it!

by Dawn Mikesell

Chocolate makes everything better. Plain and simple. I prefer to add chocolate chips to my pumpkin cookies. The flavors of pumpkin and chocolate complement each other so well that it’s become a classic fall flavor combination.

It’s my opinion that as soon as the end-of-the-year holidays begin, it’s time to forget about making everything healthier and just dive right in to the comfort foods these holidays bring with them. So, add the chocolate chips. Enjoy the holiday flavors!

Below is a super classic, super delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookie recipe that I know you chocolate chip advocates will love.

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