The Best Panna Cotta

Panna Cotta

This month at Kitchen Kneads we’re going on a culinary tour through Italy. We’ll be having a ravioli class and classes on making ciabatta bread and pane mediterraneo. We also have products for making Italian foods on sale at up to 10% off! In addition to these classes, we’re producing some pretty amazing Italian food themed blog posts. First up is one of my most favorite desserts: panna cotta.

If you’ve never had panna cotta before, now is the time for you to make some. It’s so simple and takes almost no time at all.

What is Panna Cotta?

So, what exactly is panna cotta? The name translates to “cooked cream.” It’s sweetened cream set with gelatin. Additional flavors can be added, but I really like simple vanilla.

Looking at the ingredients, it doesn’t seem like all that awesome of a dessert. But don’t be fooled. It’s super delicious. I could eat this every day if I knew it wouldn’t make me fat.

On top of all that, it’s the perfect light dessert for spring or summer parties. And I don’t mean light in calories. I mean light as in sweetness. It’s more refreshing than caramel laden brownies, for example. Sometimes you just have to splurge on calories.

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